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How To Check Civil War Records Online Free?

an image of a soldier holding gun: Civil War Records
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Complete Guide To Find Civil War Records

Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well. Welcome to Family Tree Maker Help. Do you love to do research about your ancestors or want to find your family history? If yes then this post is going to be informative to you. In this post, I will describe you how to find Civil War Records easily.

So, read the full article and find the easiest way to find out your ancestors.

Easy Steps To Find Your Family History

You can find your civil war records through 3 way which are Indirect Evidence, Direct evidence, and Case Study.

So, without wasting any time, let’s start today topic how to find civil war records.


Clues are important to find out any information. Behalf of clues, you can find out many information about your family but it is not guaranteed. Because most of the people are died who participate in World War I.

For example: First check whether they are at the right place or not. As we know that the time of civil war I is 1861-1865. So, first check for those soldiers who was born between 1830-1840s. At that time, most of the soldiers was young.

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If there are some soldiers who are missing between 1860 – 1870 it means they were died in world war.

Check Age Difference Between Children

The second thing that you can check to find out about your ancestors is checking the age difference of children. It can helps you to find out the exact information about your ancestors.

Because if the children difference is approx. 3 to 4 year it mean, he could be an ancestors of yours. Because at that time your ancestors was in the war. I thing you got it what I mean to say.

Documents And Evidence

The next thing that you can check is documents/evidence like photos. If you got something like this then say wow! I got the documents.

More Points That You Use To Check Civil War Records

You can also check the given points to check your civil war records.

Ask Relatives

Apart from this you can also ask to your relatives.

Check 1890 Veteran’s Census

You can also check 1890 veteran’s census. At that time, special census record makes for Union Soldiers.

Search Ancestry And FamilySearch

You can search on ancestry and FamilySearch. Both are best as direct evidence. These sources become help to find out if he was in the civil war.

The 1910 Federal Census

You can also check the federal census record. Census tabulators sometimes used this column for notes. So, you can check this also. Look for UA, UN, CA, or CN.

The 1930 Federal Census

Here, you can ask the person was the part of the U.S. Military and in what war. Some of the 1930 soldiers are alive and the approx. age of them are 93 ages.

National Park Services

It is the database of soldiers and sailors. You can visit this record at It is a free site but you need to do some more search because it has so many common names.


It is just like news articles or news cuttings that you can use for searching your civil war records. You can also check it’s free site Chronicling America.

Grave Sites

You can check free grave sites. Many soldiers have their military records or information on their stone like their flag or regimental information. You can also check the GAR marker (Grand Army of the Republic) or UCV maker (United Confederate Veterans).

Pension Index Cards

You can also check pension cards to know about your ancestors. There are two versions of pension cards in Ancestry and Fold3. In ancestry, you will get the widow number and death information. On the other side, in fold3 you will get widows name but only if she applied for pension benefits.

Draft Registration Records

If your ancestors registered for the draft only then you will get their information there.

Online Family Trees

You can use online family trees to get your ancestors information but use their trees with caution because you don’t know their source of information. Use these trees information just as a clue.

Local Historical Societies/Libraries

You can use Google books and as local historical societies to find civil war records.

Homestead Files

You can use homestead files. It is free to use. Through this, you can find did they move to west after the war. You can also use National Archives to match the information.


In conclusion, in this post, you have learned how to check your civil war records online free to find out ancestors’ information. I hope you like this post. To get more informative articles like this, please follow us. To get a free support, use our live chat support.

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