Backing Up A Tree File In FTM 2017 And FTM 2019

Taking back up of your family tree is important in the case of system corrupt or file corrupt. If your system or tree file is crashed then the you can get back your family tree with the help of back up. But if you don’t have any tree back up in such condition you may lost your family tree or family information. In this article, we will tell you the complete process of backing up a tree file in FTM 2017 and FTM 2019 easily.

So that you can easily recover your family tree in any condition. Taking back up of a tree file is the safest and smoothest way of moving your tree data to another computer.  Learn how to transfer your family tree to a new computer.

You can easily take a back up of your family tree for Windows or Mac computer. Here, we will tell you for both.

Note: If you take auto backups then remember it doesn’t contain media and any information that relink your family tree to ancestry. So, don’t rely on auto update and take manual back up if you can.

Backing Up A Tree File In FTM 2017 And 2019 For Mac

Please follow the given instructions and get a full back up of your family tree for Mac computer.

Remember, this backup file can’t be opened in other genealogy applications like GEDCOM. It will be opened only with the version of family tree maker in which you created or with the latest version of the app.

This is how you can easily back up a tree file for Mac.

Backing Up A Tree File In FTM 2017 And FTM 2019 For Windows

Follow the given instructions and take a full backup of your family tree.

This is how you can easily get a back up of your family tree for FTM 2017 and FTM 2019 for Windows and Mac.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here, we give some frequently asked questions that will help you to get your questions answer fastly.

Question: How to backup family tree maker files?

Answer: Open your family tree and select the backup option from the file menu. Then select the location and click on the check box that you want to include in backup. Click on backup file for Mac and Ok button for Windows to get a backup. Your backup will start to download.

Question: Can you export data from family tree maker?

Answer: Yes, you can export data from family tree maker. To export full family tree, click on entire file and if you don’t want entire then you can select the specific file.

Question: How do I move family tree maker files to a new computer?

Answer: To move your family tree maker files to a new computer first take the backup of your family tree from one computer into an external hard drive or flash drive. Then plugin the flash drive or external hard disk to the new computer and copy the backup from flash drive/external drive. Open backup and install family tree maker to new computer.

Question: Where are the family tree maker data files stored?

Answer: The family tree maker files stored in the location C:\Users\[User Name]. The User Name is depending on how you set up your username.

Question: Is there any FTM 2024 available?

Answer: The current latest version of family tree maker is FTM 2019. You can get the FTM 2019 latest update 24.2.2 for free. The company Mackiev announced on February 2024 that FTM 2024 is coming soon. They already started the FTM 2024 pre-ordered. You can also pre-order for FTM 2024.

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