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Easy Steps To Cancel Ancestry Membership

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As we know ancestry is a subscription-based genealogy program. It is a very popular genealogy program that people use to make their family trees. The best thing about the ancestry membership is you can cancel your subscription/membership anytime. So, if you also want to cancel your ancestry subscription then read this post. in this post, we will tell you about the easy steps on how to cancel ancestry membership.

Steps To Cancel Ancestry Membership/Subscription

To cancel your ancestry membership, please follow the given instructions.

  • First, open your ancestry account and go to the ancestry account settings.
  • Then go to the membership section where you can see your account status or membership.
  • Select cancel membership or cancel free trial and your membership will be cancelled.
  • If you see a registered guest under the membership section, you have no membership.
  • If you want to modify your membership then you can do this anytime.

modify ancestry membership

You can also compare the ancestry membership. So, this is how you can cancel your membership easily without any hassle.


Why Can’t I cancel my Ancestry subscription?

If you have not any cancellation link on your account it means you have another ancestry account. In such a case, please contact the ancestry tech team and they will sort out this issue.

The second reason is you don’t have any ancestry subscription that’s why you don’t have any cancellation link on your account.

Does Ancestry Have A Cancellation Fee?

Ancestry don’t have any cancellation fee if you cancel your membership under a free trial. But if you cancel your membership after a free trial then there is a cancellation fee. $ 25 for 6 months and $50 for one year.

Can I Cancel Ancestry Anytime?

Yes, you can cancel your ancestry subscription any time.

Is It Hard To Cancel Ancestry com?

No, cancellation an ancestry membership is not a difficult task. You can easily cancel your ancestry subscription. Just go to the ancestry account settings and then go under the membership section and click on cancel ancestry membership.

Read Also: Make, Share, and Print Ancestry Family Tree

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How do I cancel my ancestry subscription?

Answer: To cancel your ancestry subscription first, open your ancestry account using username and password. Go to ancestry account settings and click on cancel membership. After this, your subscription will be cancelled.

Question: Does ancestry have a cancellation fee?

Answer: If you cancel your ancestry subscription/membership under your trial period then there is no cancellation fee.

Question: Can you pause an ancestry membership?

Answer: Yes, if you want to pause your ancestry membership then ancestry gives you an option to pause your ancestry subscription. Using the pause option, you can pause your subscription up to 1 or 2months.

Question: Can I cancel ancestry anytime?

Answer: Yes, you can cancel ancestry subscription anytime.

Question: How to avoid ancestry cancellation fee?

Answer: If you want to avoid your ancestry cancellation fee then cancel your ancestry free trial before its end. Click on cancel free trial and avoid cancellation fee.

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